1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
Reading aloud to children is one of the most effective ways to prepare them for school. Exposing young children to wide range of stories helps to give them a head start in their learning journey. Reading just 1 book every night exposes your child to 365 books in one year. In two years, that’s 730 books. Three years of reading just 1 book per night adds up to 1,095 books! If you would like to begin your child on their 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten journey, you can find recording sheets in the Youth Department. Each recording sheet has 100 spaces you can color to track your reading and after each sheet is filled out, bring it in for a prize. We also have a wall display that tracks each child’s progress toward their 1,000 book goal. Once your child has reached 1,000 books, they will receive a certificate and a new picture book.
Who has reached 1,000 books?